Echo show plex
Echo show plex

echo show plex

I’m not sure what would happen exactly if a second recording was in process and the script was to start. grab folder and might pick up a file that is still being recorded. The other is more of a potential issue, the loop goes through all of the. One, the compression is slow and takes almost an hour for 1 hour of video. If you open HandBrake you can see a list of the preset compressions on the right hand side of the window or you could run in the command prompt “C:\Program Files\Handbrake\HandBrakeCLI.exe” -z, -preset-list to get a list of the presets. I’m using the “Chromecast 1080p30 Surround” preset compression but experimenting with others. TS files and runs HandBrake on them to create MP4 files (you could save them as another extension). So my script loops through that folder for all. Apparently when Plex records it saves the files into a sub-folder in the “.grab” folder and doesn’t move the file out until after processing the script. So in Plex under “DVR Settings” I have entered in my script “D:\Video\Scripts\PlexDVRHandbrake.bat” in the “POSTPROCESSING SCRIPT” field. The paths used on my machine will most likely be different on your PC.

echo show plex echo show plex

The compression is very slow but it works. BAT script file (modified from another Plex user), which I’ve attached as a TXT file.

Echo show plex